Intrigued, the Chinese Carrier Shandong Brings Two Types of VTOL Drones

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Intrigued, the Chinese Carrier Shandong Brings Two Types of VTOL Drones

With advantages in terms of mobility and flexibility, the mini hybrid VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) drone has become a mainstay in the operation of the warship fleet. The Chinese Navy's aircraft carrier – Shandong, is no exception, which was known to be on a voyage carrying several mini VTOL drones on its deck.

From the Twitter post @RupprecchtDeino, it shows the capture of the flight deck of the Shandong aircraft carrier. Even though it looks deserted, when you look at it to the right, you can see a group of mini VTOL drones parked. Of course, it will be interesting to see what type of drone the Shandong carrier carries.

From tracing, there are at least two types of mini VTOL drones in photo capture, namely the Sea Cavalry SD-40 and another, which is suspected to be a variant of the Jouav CW-40.

Sea Cavalry SD-40
Sea Cavalry SD-40

The SD-40 is produced by the Han's Eagle Aviation Technology Company of Xiamen. The SD-40 is equipped with a gasoline engine (main) on the tail for flying, while for vertical motion and hovering functions, this reconnaissance drone is equipped with 8 electric motors.

The Sea Cavalry SD-40 is actually similar to KOAX 3.0, which is a VTOL hybrid drone made by PT Carita Boat Indonesia. However, the SD-40 is designed to be stronger with 8 electric motor units to withstand the brunt of strong winds in operating in the ocean, to be precise this drone is capable of VTOL speeding in sea level 4 conditions.

The payload carried by the SD-40 is fairly solid, including double light EO (electronic optics), communication relay equipment, airborne digital SLR camera, mini SAR (synthetic aperture radar), and mini laser radar. The maximum take-off weight of the SD-40 is only 40 kg. From the composition of the payload, it can be seen that the configuration of the device on this drone is fairly compact and dense, where the allotment for the payload is 6 kg.

Similar to the Sea Cavalry SD-40, the Jouav CW-40 is a VTOL drone with hybrid capabilities, which can operate with both a gasoline engine and a battery. The CW-40 is equipped with the MG-170E EO/IR/LR triple sensor stabilized gimbal camera which is integrated with a visible light sensor, infrared sensor, and laser rangefinder.

Jouav CW-40
Jouav CW-40

The CW-40 with its distinctive V-tail design can be used for various application scenarios, such as intelligence reconnaissance, rescue and search, anti-smuggling, border patrol, environmental monitoring, forest fire prevention.

The CW-40 can fly at a speed of 100 km per hour and operate in a maximum wind speed of 17 meters per second. This drone can fly up to a height of 6,500 meters and has an endurance of 6 hours. The CW-40 has a maximum take-off weight of 45 kg and a payload of 10 kg. The CW-40 is 2.3 meters long and has a wingspan of 4.6 meters.

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