With ROGUE Fires, the US Marine Corps Has Anti-Ship Capability From Coastal Areas

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With ROGUE Fires, the US Marine Corps Has Anti-Ship Capability From Coastal Areas

The United States Marine Corps - USMC, will be an amphibious force capable of carrying out direct attacks on warships from the coast in a mobile manner. This is after USMC acquired 24 units of NMESIS (Navy Marine Expeditionary Ship Interdiction System) launch vehicle in Fiscal Year 2023.

NMESIS is nothing but a Naval Strike Missile (NSM) anti-ship missile launcher embedded in the JLTV unmanned rantis platform.

The USMC will use NMESIS to support US Navy operations from the coast against enemy ships. NMESIS consists of the Raytheon Missiles & Defense-made NSM and the JLTV Remotely Operated Ground Unit for Expeditionary (ROGUE Fires) rantis, manufactured by Oshkosh Defense.

ROGUE Fires are unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) that leverage extreme off-road mobility and the payload capacity of JLTV and autonomous vehicle technologies to support Ground-Based Anti-Ship Missile (GBASM) operations.

The unmanned technology associated with ROGUE Fires allows the vehicle to operate in either teleoperator or leader-follower modes, protecting soldiers from threats by completely 'ejecting' them from the vehicle.

Since accepting the JLTV production contract in 2015, Oshkosh Defense has worked closely with leading weapons systems manufacturers to integrate and test various weapon system payloads and firepower levels into the JLTV platform. NMESIS conducted its first test run in November 2020. One JLTV (ROGUE Fires) unit can carry two Kongsberg-made NSM missile launchers.

About the NSM missile, its real name in Norwegian is Nytt sjømÃ¥lsmissil. The missile is powered by a solid fuel rocket booster, the Microturbo TRI-40 turbojet, which is capable of launching missiles at high subsonic velocities, while the cruising range is from 185 – 250 km, depending on the target profile.

As with anti-ship missiles in general, the NSM flies in the terminal phase in a sea skimming pattern. As a guiding system, it relies on a combination of Inertial, GPS, terrain-reference navigation, imaging infrared homing and a target database. The NSM weighs 410 kg, is 3.95 meters long and can carry a 125 kg HE blast fragmentation warhead.

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