Stugna P Anti-Tank Missile Shoots Down Attack Helicopter Kamov Ka-52 Alligator

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Stugna P Anti-Tank Missile Shoots Down Attack Helicopter Kamov Ka-52 Alligator

Although rare, some anti-tank missiles have the ability to destroy low-flying targets in the air. For example, that capability is in the FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile. And from the armed conflict in Ukraine, the latest news circulating on social media is the recording of the success of the Stugna P anti-tank missile in shooting the Kamov Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter.

In a footage seen from the gunner's monitor screen, a Stugna P operated by the 95th Air Assault Brigade managed to shoot down a Ka-52 in the Izium area. Also known as the “Ukrainian Javelin,” the Stugna P adopts a semi-automatic guiding system with a laser beam.

With high subsonic speed, the Stugna P can penetrate 800 mm thick ERA (explosive reactive armor) armor from a distance of 100 to 4,000 meters. Stugna-P can be operated in a temperature range of -40 to 60 degrees Celsius.

The name Stugna began to be taken into account since this missile was reported to have successfully destroyed an Ural truck carrying pro-Russian militia in Donbass, where the truck could be destroyed from a distance of about 5,600 meters.

The Stugna P is an anti-tank missile designed by the Luch Design Bureau based in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Like the Falarick and 9M117M1 Arkan missiles, the Stugna is one of them prepared to be able to be launched through the barrel of a tank. The Stugna can be launched from the barrels of 105 mm, 115 mm (T-62) and 120 mm (T-72 and T-84 tanks) cannons.

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