Russia Threatens to Use Nuclear Weapons, Here's the US Response

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Russia Threatens to Use Nuclear Weapons, Here's the US Response

The United States does not believe that there is a threat from Russia using nuclear weapons despite Moscow's recent escalating rhetoric, a senior US defense official said Friday.

"We continue to monitor their nuclear capabilities on a daily basis to the best of our ability and we do not assess that there is a threat of use of nuclear weapons and no threat to NATO territory," the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told reporters. .

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday that the West should not underestimate the increased risk of a nuclear conflict in Ukraine.

Russia said earlier this month that it plans to deploy its newly tested Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, capable of carrying out a nuclear strike against the United States, in the fall.

Western concerns at the risk of nuclear war increased after President Vladimir Putin launched Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24 with a speech in which he sharply referred to Moscow's nuclear power and warned that any attempt to block Russia's path "will lead you to dire consequences. you've never met in your history."

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this week he did not expect further Russian military failure in Ukraine to encourage Putin to use tactical nuclear weapons there, saying the Russian leader had room to maneuver and end the conflict.

Earlier this month CIA Director William Burns said that Russia's threat of potentially using tactical or low-yield nuclear weapons in Ukraine was not to be taken lightly, but the CIA had not seen much practical evidence to substantiate those concerns.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has left thousands dead or injured, cities reduced to rubble and forced more than 5 million people to flee abroad. Moscow called its actions a "special operation" to demilitarize its neighbour.

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