Warship Enters Philippine Waters, Manila Summons Chinese Ambassador

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Warship Enters Philippine Waters, Manila Summons Chinese Ambassador

The Philippines summoned China's ambassador Monday to explain what Manila called the "illegal infiltration and persistent presence" of Chinese warships in waters between some of the archipelago's largest islands.

Citing Reuters, the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that a Chinese Navy reconnaissance vessel entered Philippine waters without permission and remained from January 29 to February 1, ignoring repeated demands to leave.

The Chinese warships were detected in the Cuyo Group Islands, close to Palawan, and Apo Island off the coast of Mindoro, a presence which the Philippine Foreign Ministry said was "not a peaceful route and in violation of Philippine sovereignty".

China has been accused by Western countries of carrying out aggression by deploying hundreds of coast guard vessels and fishing vessels in its neighboring exclusive economic zone, and disrupting fisheries and energy exploration work, far from its mainland.

However, deployment of warships in waters not claimed by China is rare. The Chinese Embassy in Manila did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.

However, the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not mention why it had to wait six weeks to report the incident. The Philippine Ministry of Defense did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.

The last time the Philippines summoned the Chinese ambassador was in April last year. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in January that Beijing would not use its power to "oppress" its smaller neighbour.

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