US Sends Patriot Missiles to Poland to Ward off Russian threats

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The United States has sent Patriot missiles to Poland to bolster the NATO member state's defenses amid increasing threats from Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The spokesman for the US European Command (EUCOM), Adam Miller, said that the US would send two Patriot missile batteries to Poland.

"At the direction of the Secretary of Defense and at the request of Poland, General Wolters, Commander of EUCOM, ordered US Army Europe and Africa to send two Patriot Batteries to Poland," Miller said.

He later said, "This is a careful protective measure consistent with our commitment to Article 5 and not for offensive operations."

Miller referred to Article 5 of the NATO agreement. Under the principles of the agreement, an attack on one member is considered an attack on the whole of NATO.

"All the steps we take are simply to deter aggression and ensure the safety of our allies," Miller said Tuesday.

Since Russia started its invasion of Ukraine, the US has continued to strengthen its defenses in NATO member countries around conflict areas. Poland itself borders directly with Ukraine.

Meanwhile, NATO continues to try not to be directly involved in the war between Russia and Ukraine. They worry that direct involvement in the war could trigger a wider conflict.

Before announcing the delivery of these missiles, the US rejected Poland's plan to send fighter jets to help Ukraine through transfers to bases in Germany.

A spokesman for the US Department of Defense, John Kirby, expressed the refusal after hearing details of Poland's proposed plan.

Under the plan, Poland will send all of their MiG jets to US military bases in Germany. After that, the US was asked to send it to Ukraine.

Kirby said flying the jet from a US base in a NATO country into airspace in contact with Russia "raised a serious concern for the entire NATO alliance."

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