Tips for Applying for a Loan at Fintech P2P Lending

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Tips for Applying for a Loan at Fintech P2P Lending

Fintech is a digital service provider that has become very popular in recent years. Day by day, the development of fintech in Indonesia is getting faster, so that not a few people are interested in applying for loans at fintech P2P lending.

Fintech is predicted to be able to disrupt the business model and the conventional banking industry in the future.

In fact, the increasingly massive development of fintech will lead to massive migration of banks and other conventional financial institutions.

Get to know P2P Lending

P2P lending or Peer to peer lending is one of the products resulting from fintech service innovations that are in great demand by the public. P2P lending makes it easy for someone to get loan funds for business development.

P2P lending is a method of giving or applying for money loans to individuals or companies. So, P2P Lending is a place to bring together lenders and borrowers online.

In POJK P2P Lending, there are several rules that need to be understood, namely regarding institutions, the use of information technology, products, fintech implementation, agreements, and others.

Tips for Applying for a Loan at Fintech P2P Lending

There are some smart tips that can be considered to get a loan through a fintech company safely and easily. The tips for applying for a loan at fintech P2P lending are as follows:

1. Find an Authorized Fintech Company

The first tip for applying for a loan is to find an official and trusted fintech company. The selected fintech company must be registered and recognized by the government.

This is because fintech companies that have been registered with the OJK will receive supervision regarding the work mechanism that is carried out. Therefore, check the credibility of the fintech company through the OJK website.

2. Applying for a Loan as Needed

The second tip that needs to be considered is applying for a loan according to your needs. There are many cases where this ease of access is misinterpreted by consumers who borrow funds beyond the required limit.

Preferably, borrowing through P2P lending is submitted as needed. For example, a maximum of only 30% of the total income per month. Make sure that the amount of installments each month does not exceed 30% of the company's profit.

3. Immediately Installment Loans

The loan of funds submitted should be immediately repaid in installments and repaid according to the agreed tempo. That way, the financial burden of the business will not increase.

If there is a delay, there will be a fine that needs to be accounted for. Therefore, it is better for P2P lending to be paid in installments on a regular basis.

4. Don't Dig the Hole Close the Hole

As a borrower of funds, you should not dig a hole to cover the hole because this debt system will be very detrimental.

Businesses that apply debt with this system are unhealthy which will affect business continuity.

Therefore, it is better for the money to be used to pay off debts only from the company's profits and not from loans elsewhere.

5. Know the Interest and Penalty of the Loan

Before making a loan to a fintech company, do a little research on interest or loan penalties. Choose a fintech company that offers relatively low penalties and interest compared to other companies.

By choosing a company with low interest and fines, the payment process will not be difficult to do every time it is due.

For SME entrepreneurs who want to apply for a loan, there is no need to worry anymore because P2P lending is here to be the best solution.

The tips for applying for a loan at fintech above are very appropriate to be practiced and implemented in business funding on a large or small scale.

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