Paralyze Russia's Military, Biden: Putin will Pay a Heavy Price in the Long Run

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Paralyze Russia's Military, Biden: Putin will Pay a Heavy Price in the Long Run

US President Joe Biden vowed Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay a heavy price in the long term even if he makes a profit on the battlefield in Ukraine.

"While he may have an advantage on the battlefield, he will pay a high price that is sustained over the long term," Biden said in his State of the Union address. "He didn't know what was going to happen."

Biden spoke to the US Congress on the sixth day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and as Kyiv gazed at a large 60km convoy of Russian armored vehicles potentially preparing to take over the Ukrainian capital.

"A Russian dictator, who invaded a foreign country, inflicted losses all over the world," Biden said. But, "In the battle between democracy and autocracy, democracy is on the rise, and the world is clearly choosing the side of peace".

In a speech to Congress, Biden announced a new measure to ban Russian flights from using United States airspace.

Biden also hinted at steps to cripple Russia's military in the future, even as he acknowledged it could see more opportunities in the coming hours.

"We are stifling Russia's access to technology that will undermine its economic power, and weaken its military for years to come," he said. "When the history of this era is written, Putin's war in Ukraine will make Russia weaker and the whole world stronger."

Just hours before his speech, Biden had a more than 30-minute telephone conversation with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to discuss further US assistance in arming Ukraine's military.

Zelenskyy, who took refuge in Kyiv from Russian artillery attacks, pleaded to "stop the aggressor as soon as possible".

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