Bankrupt, Former World Tennis Player Boris Becker Reveals His Shock and Shame

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Bankrupt, Former World Tennis Player Boris Becker Reveals His Shock and Shame

Former world tennis star Boris Becker has spoken of his shock and shame at being declared bankrupt in court over allegations of dishonest declaring of his assets.

The six-time Grand Slam champion told Southwark Crown Court that bad publicity was damaging "Becker's brand" and reducing his income.

Becker was declared bankrupt in 2017 and accused of acting dishonestly in the delivery of assets including trophies and medals.

He denies 24 charges against him.

The court heard the bankruptcy ruling came days before that year's Wimbledon tournament, where he worked for the BBC as well as Australian and Japanese television.

Becker said he felt "very embarrassed".

"Because it's world news, and I walk through the gates of Wimbledon and everyone knows. I'm ashamed that I'm broke," he explained.

He told the jury that the bankruptcy also came amidst a "stressful period" with then-wife Sharlely "Lilly" Becker, while they lived "separately" in a £22,000-a-month rental house in Wimbledon, south-west London. .

Becker, who arrived in court hand in hand with partner Lilian de Carvalho Monteiro, sat in the witness box on Monday to provide evidence, as the jury was told he had injuries to his ankle and knee.

Previously, Reuters reported, Becker was accused of dishonesty by failing to hand over assets including his Wimbledon trophy before and after he was declared bankrupt in 2017.

British media quoted prosecutor Rebecca Chalkley as saying Becker acted dishonestly in relation to some of his assets.

"The prosecution alleges Mr Becker did this before and after the date of his bankruptcy agreement by not disclosing, not providing, or delivering, or transferring assets or property of value."

The charges include nine counts of failing to hand over trophies and awards and concealing property worth more than 1.5 million euros ($1.65 million).

“The problem boils down to a matter of dishonesty and everyday knowledge. That's what we say is the crux of the case," prosecutors said.

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