Ukrainian Situation Heats Up, Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Prices Fall!

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Ukrainian Situation Heats Up, Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Prices Fall!

The crypto market crashed on Friday (18/2), with the price of Bitcoin plunging to $40,000. The situation in Ukraine is heating up, making investors stay away from high-risk assets, including cryptocurrencies.

Referring to CoinMarketCap data on Friday (18/2) at 09.30 WIB, the price of Bitcoin was at US$ 40,809.12 or down 7.18% in the last 24 hours. Ethereum price fell 7.04% to US$2,909.09.

Meanwhile, the price of meme-based cryptocurrencies Dogecoin and Shiba Inu fell 5.42% to US$ 0.1411 and 7.08%, respectively, to US$ 0.00002901 compared to the previous 24 hours.

The decline in the price of cryptocurrencies coincided with a red US stock market, especially the more volatile technology stocks. The tech-heavy Nasdaq fell nearly 3%.

Reports of shootings in Eastern Ukraine and accusations that Russia orchestrated a false flag operation or intent to blame Ukraine for starting the conflict have raised tensions.

“And causing more investors to seek less risky positions,” Susannah Streeter, senior investment and markets analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, told CoinDesk.

The US Producer Price Index (PPI) in January 2022 which rose to 9.8% and ongoing inflation concerns also made investors return to gold, which had broken through US $ 1,900, and other low-risk assets.

"The price of gold, which is seen as a safe haven in times of crisis, has risen to its highest level in eight months," Streeter said.

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