Crypto Fire, Ethereum and Terra Prices Fall the Most

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Crypto Fire, Ethereum and Terra Prices Fall the Most

The price of crypto fires in the last 24 hours. Bitcoin is no exception, the digital currency with the largest market capitalization. In fact, ethereum and terra plummeted the most of the top 10 cryptocurrencies.

Citing, Friday (2/11), bitcoin fell 1.43 percent to the position of US $ 43,552 per coin. Even so, bitcoin has skyrocketed 17.13 percent in the past week.

Ethereum, with the second-largest market cap, slumped 4.71 percent to $3,072 per coin. However, ethereum is up 14.39 percent in the past week.

No less severe is terra, falling 8.02 percent to the position of US $ 52.05 per chip. The fall of terra to the point of dragging it down to rank 10 in the top crypto.

Terra swapped rankings with avalance which crawled to 9th place with a growth of 2.82 percent. Avalanche is currently priced at US $ 91.95 per piece.

BNB and XRP also lost with declines of 1.64 percent and 5.83 percent, respectively. BNB is currently pegged at US$414.22 per chip, while XRP is priced at US$0.8259 per chip.

Solana, who was ranked 8th, also fell 6.95 percent to US$105.62 per chip. However, Solana managed to climb 4.24 percent in the past week.

In Indonesia, crypto assets are still prohibited as a means of payment. However, crypto is a commodity futures exchange, so it doesn't matter as long as it is used as an investment or as a commodity traded by market participants.

Currently, crypto assets are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) of the Ministry of Trade through CoFTRA Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Physical Market Trading of Crypto Assets on Futures Exchanges.

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