Attacked by the US and NATO, Russia is Defended by Cuba

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Attacked by the US and NATO, Russia is Defended by Cuba

The Cuban government views the United States' accusations against Russia over security issues as "hysteria propaganda," and opposes NATO's expansion into eastern Europe. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla said this.

"We strongly reject the media hysteria and propaganda fueled by the US government against Russia, and we firmly oppose NATO's expansion into the sister nation's borders," he said in a Twitter post.

The West and Kiev have echoed accusations of a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denounced these claims as "empty and baseless", serving as a tactic to escalate tensions, pointing out that Russia poses no threat to anyone.

However, Peskov did not rule out possible provocations aimed at justifying the claims and warned that attempts to use military force to resolve the crisis in southeastern Ukraine would have serious consequences.

For months the US and NATO have been concerned about the presence of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border.

The New York Times reports US officials currently estimate that Russia has up to 190,000 troops stationed along Ukraine's borders and in the east of the country.

Claims from Russian officials that they were reducing troop numbers earlier this week were refuted by NATO and the United States, which suggested that Russia appeared to be doing the opposite.

The White House believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to launch an attack on Ukraine in the coming days, targeting its capital, Kiev.

Leaders in the Russia-backed region of Ukraine asked its military units to mobilize on Saturday. Ukraine has accused Russia of trying to create a pretext for an invasion.

Moscow vehemently denies the accusations. On Friday, the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk regions announced an urgent evacuation of civilians to Russia, citing fears of a "breakthrough" threat by Ukrainian forces, which Kiev also denies.

The leaders of two separatist republics in eastern Ukraine ordered the women and children to flee and head for Russia as soon as possible.

Their impoverished territory and rebel-held industry in Ukraine have been at the center of weeks of tension between Russia and the West.

Conflict monitors have warned of a sharp escalation in ceasefire violations in fighting between the Ukrainian army and the separatists.

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