3 Human Instincts That Can Harm Your Investments

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3 Human Instincts That Can Harm Your Investments

Until now humans still have instincts that were brought from their ancestors to survive.

These instincts are obtained instinctively so that they are free from anything that threatens the safety of themselves and their families.

The problem is that there are some survival instincts that can actually harm investments, if you apply them raw. Here is a further explanation.

Immediately Consumption

Eating is very important for human survival. If it is delayed, the food will be spoiled and cannot be consumed anymore.

Now this survival instinct is still applied by humans. Where many humans only focus on short-term survival and spend a lot of money in the present moment.

As a result they do not have much money to meet their future needs.

Therefore, you should leave this habit and start saving and investing for future needs.

The important step you need to take is to consume less than you can earn and set aside some money for the future. In investing you are not recommended to spend money all at once.

For example, using all the money you have for investments, or putting investment assets in only one instrument.

That's because spending all the money on investments can leave you with no money left to meet your daily needs.

You are recommended to invest using cold money, or leftover/unused money after all your needs are met.

So, if your investment is down or exposed to risk, your financial condition is not too affected and you can still live life.

Support Majority Vote

Here's another thing that could jeopardize your investment. Humans who live socially and in groups make them work together and try to support the same voice as their group.

Instinct like this makes personal decisions to be taken will be influenced by the voice of the group that may move in the opposite direction.

Instinct like the one above is actually suitable to apply when you want to choose the best restaurant based on previous user reviews, book hotel rooms based on recommendations, and so on.

The problem is that the thought process as above will greatly affect the investment results in the future.

So you prefer investment products based on past performance and immediately sell investment portfolios when everyone else is selling them.

As an investment savvy, you need to be able to know when to ignore the crowd and make decisions based on your investment approach.

Especially now that there are many new investment instruments that are called promising and loved by many people.

Do not let you buy it without analyzing in depth and just following the trend, yes! This will have an impact on your financial future.

Don't want to take risks

Being the first to market a product or technology allows you to earn much greater wealth.

For example, when you become an early investor in a start-up company that becomes very successful and can provide high investment returns because of soaring stock prices.

Avoiding risk is actually very dangerous and much more risky.

For example, when you save all the money you have in a savings account and don't get enough returns to beat inflation.

Too afraid to invest makes your purchasing power will decrease over time.

Therefore, you must start to get used to investing with the aim of developing the funds you have.

The explanation above explains that the human survival instinct does not always need to be carried out raw.

There are several examples that show that survival instincts can be detrimental to your future investment returns.

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